Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Picnic at Grandma's

It was another fun day at grandma's for the kids. After Luke got out of school, Jean came over with the three 'jewels of my life' for a picnic and gab session. We were out on the deck eating mini-corn dogs (kids) and chicken salad on lettuce (gals). It was so beautiful. We sat there listening to the kids talk and the birds sing. Then we decided to go feed the horses down the street. So I cut up apples, and off we went to the horse farm. I don't know who was more excited - the kids or me. The horses were not in sight until the one we call "Piglet" saw us from the far side of the barn. He came over followed by the other two, and two of them ate to their heart's content. We hadn't figured out why the little one didn't eat any apples until the other two wandered off. Then he came over only to be forced away by "Piglet." He saw the little one trying to get an apple and came bounding over, and away went the little one. No wonder he stays so small. Another thing we discovered is that horses love dandelions. I didn't know that. They reached through the fence as far as possible to get their treat. I should have them over to our house! After getting tired of the bugs surrounding the horses, we came back home and the kids found a great place to play - under the landing of the rear steps of the deck. It is like a small fort. I think it will be a place to play from now on. Luke and Kayla played under there and then ventured to the front bushes for a game of hide & seek. Krista was occupied on the play porch while grandma and mom talked. It was a delightful time by one and all. I wish I had some pictures, but I wouldn't know how to display them anyway. Some day!! I am sure that Jean will be showing some that she took sometime soon, so go to her blog and enjoy them along wih her version of the afternoon. Ta Ta until next time.


Rebecca said...

sounds like a fun day! I remember Corynn thinking that spot under the steps was pretty cool when we were out there. It was her hiding spot a few times as we played hide and seek.

Rebecca said...

Hey. Stopped back here because I wanted to 'talk' to you for a minute, solicite some prayers, maybe?!

You asked the other day about any news on the jobfront and I wanted to answer you there, but it wouldn't be wise as there are people from Matt's work/landlords that check my blog. They don't check comments, I don't think, but I'd rather not take the chance for them to hear-just in case. Not until the proper time, anyway.

Yes. There HAVE been developments in the job arena. Dairy One (the company Matt has been trying to get into for ages) has finally contacted him for the interview. They say that the men previously hired for other positions have been trained now and that the position they were creating (the one Matt wants) has now been officially approved by the head-honchos, so they are ready to move on with the interview process. His interview is May 28th-a little less than two weeks.

I have a feeling that it will move rather quickly from that point. If he is hired, it will most likely be on the following Monday and then, I would imagine they would want him to start by mid June. Matt will of course give two weeks to his current employers.

So-for the job, we are fervently praying that this might be the Lord's will for Him. That they do hire him, and that they offer him compensation equal to (or above) what he makes now. Much less salary will make our lives very difficult again, and I really don't want to be back at that place we once were.

Also-if he IS hired quickly, that will mean I have about a month to find a place to move to. Some friends of ours from the Owego congregation have a home and acreage they would like to see us get into. The house is big and it sits on 90 acres with a dairybarn. So-basically, Matt has fallen head over heels for it. And-he wants to live in PA, where property taxes are HALF of NY's and this property is as close to NY as you can get without being there. It sits right on the border. Still, I have reservations about it. 1) It will be an hour drive to work for Matt each day and an hour from the church. This is the biggest concern for me. 2) It has no garage or outbuildings for Matt to work in, and he needs those. Or, we'll be going to his parents every weekend, which will not be good.
3) We will be renting (again) with the option to buy at a later date, but I really wanted to be through with renting. Plus-I don't know if we can afford such a place.

Basically, I know next to nothing about the property or the costs involved. We will be going there to check it out and discuss options after Matt's interview on the 28th.

No matter what: if he gets this job, the next five weeks are going to be incredibly busy as I try to pack up this house, move and unpack into a new house and frankly, I don't know if I CAN do this or not. I really feel ill much of the time and get incredibly tired doing the silliest of things. I keep praying that I will be given strength where and when I need it, and that I begin to feel better soon so that it will not become a stumbling block to getting what needs to be done, done.

So THAT is what is new. We have not told church people yet and would appreciate your silence on th e matter until it is certain whether or not we actually will NEED to move. No need to bother people for a hypothetical, especially if it doesn't work out.

Please keep us in your prayers, if you would. My mind is never without concern and it is a delicate balance in trusting God completely for whatever comes your way and wanting something very badly. I pray that we make wise decisions based on truth and not on our own idealizing and I pray that if this doesn't work out, that Matt will be given extra measures of strength, as He has been storing up hope for this position for many many months and if it is not offered to him, He will be incredibly let down.

That's all. Sorry for the book. IF you would relay this to Jean as well, I would appreciate it. I really don't look forward to re-typing this whole drama out again. MY fingers would go numb, I think! :-)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Marlene! Love the new blog--don't forget to keep us updated on the adventures of your other little jewel, Mollie!

Grandma Bibby said...


I will be praying for you and Matt. The 90 acres may sound nice, but I would caution you about the distance to church and work. It is really difficult to be involved in church activities that way, and as the kids get older they will want to be involved. I will also pray that the timing of all this will coincide with you feeling better.

I will ask Jean to read the comments here, so that I don't have to worry about getting things straight.

May God guide you both clearly.

Jean Marie Bibby said...

I finally put up pictures from the picnic!