Thursday, July 10, 2008

Budding Artist???

I was in the house the other day with Krista, and Luke called out to me. He said: grandma, you better come and see Kayla. You won't like what she is doing! She had decided to make some artwork on the garage wall. At first I was astounded and upset, but then I realized oh well it will wash off. And what better place to be reminded of her loveliness than each time I pull into the garage (which is very frequent!). It brings a smile to my face each time I look at it. I may just keep it there. I should have her sign it. :-) Some day she will be on to other things, and I will be wishing she would want to draw on my wall. The time goes by so very quickly. Last Sunday, Krista turned 10 months! Where does it go. I must take more time with these little jewels and enjoy them while they want to do things with their old grandma.


Full of Grace said...

You have a wonderful way of looking at things! It's amazing how when we actually step back and evaluate a situation, we can find blessings even in the midst of "chaos".

If it brings a smile to your face, keep it! :)

Diana Vice said...

I still have scratch marks in a few pieces of wood furniture to serve as reminders that my adult children were little once. I wouldn't change the imperfections if I could, because the childhood reminders are precious. Isn't it funny how grandmothers see things in a different light than mothers do?