Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Morning at the Mall

Delayed post because I wasn't going to post until I could include pictures. :-) -- Last week we went to the mall to play and walk. We were going to go to the Columbian Park Zoo, but it rained. So we changed our place for fun. We went to the play area first. That didn't last too long because one little boy had to use the facilities. So then we decided to walk the mall. If you have ever been there, you would know that takes a bit of time. Grandma was even able to make a couple of purchases. The kids rode the rides and then we stopped off at the pretzel place for a hot dog wrapped in pretzels. It is so interesting to watch the kids eat them. Luke will take the pretzel off and eat the hot dog. Kayla eats the entire thing. But that is fine. Grandma eats hers and then Luke's pretzel. They love watching the employees make their wares. Then we came home for naps and rest for one tired grandma. But oh how I love my 'grandma days' and wouldn't trade them for anything. We are making such wonderful memories as you will see as time goes on. They are truly a blessing in my life!!


Rebecca said...

These are the special times, even though they may be tiring. You are setting yourself up for special times when your big kid grandkids want to hang out with you and when your young adult grandkids seek your advice. You are paving the way to a wonderful relationship-one that I never had and one that I can only hope for my children, and one that I am DETERMINED to give to theirs...

Grandma Bibby said...

Thanks for all the comments, Rebecca. I do treasure all these times and do hope that they will be used by God in their lives. Anything new on the home front?!