Saturday, May 24, 2008

God's Creatures

I know two posts in one day, but I just couldn't help sharing again. We worked all day while the crock pot cooked dinner. We accomplished much, and it felt so good. I asked Bob if he wanted to sit out on the deck and eat. Dumb question!? He always wants to eat outside if it is warm enough. So I filled 3 plates, and we came outside to eat. While we were enjoying our feast, we enjoyed God's creation. We have three birdhouses (thanks Bill S.), and they are presently all occupied --2 families of bluebirds & 1 chickadee family. It is so cool because at the present time the little ones are growing in the houses getting ready to start the circle of life over again. We watched the daddy bird wander around closely while the momma was sitting on top of the birdhouse keeping watch. At no time were the little ones left alone. Boy can we humans learn a lot from God's creatures. They love each other and watch out for each other at all times.

I went inside to clean up the kitchen, but I couldn't keep myself from coming back outside to watch and share with you all. Right now the beautiful daddy bluebird is sitting on the branch by the house-could care less that I am here. He is just watching out for his family.

That is what I wanted to share so now I will sign off and just enjoy the peaceful atmosphere that God has granted us to care for at this time in our lives. I hope you all have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow, and remember that He cares for us.